Sunday 24 April 2016

ANZAC writing

Dear Mum,
How have you been?
I miss your cooking, especially your devilled sausages with mash potatoes and vegies and the sauce.
Life here in the trench is DISGUSTING because the food is rubbish...rubbish I say.
Please send me a bag of chocolate bars like: mint bars and chewing gum.
My favourite chore is reloading my shiny sniper.
In the trench people get trench foot because they stand in dirty water for too long.
Please write back.

Dear Mum,
How are you, the cats, Sam, Ben and Saber?
I REALLY miss your delicious cake with icing sugar on it.
In the trench it is NOT going good because some people are getting trench foot (which is standing in water for too long). They are having to get their fett cut off which is sad.
The chores I hate are: cleaning the toilets, cleaning weapons and refilling the sandbags. I am feeling scared because I hear guns in the distance.
I've got to go now.

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